The name is the idea behind the company.
Anomaly is a response to the widespread recognition in the industry that “the models are all broken” and “the traditional solutions are all becoming less and less effective”. From the company’s inception, we realized intuitively that, in order to succeed, we need to create something that was, literally, an “Anomaly” - a deviation from the norm.
How we deliver the Anomaly model.
Anomaly is home to a unique diversity of talent and skillsets under a single roof; we operate on a progressive and entrepreneurial business model (no timesheets); we focus on creating business solutions, not just ‘ads’; and lastly, we break down traditional silos through how we operate and a single bottom line.

Surround the Business Challenge
We surround the business challenge with a team made up of very divergent skill-sets that normally would be scattered across several different agencies. Our team makes unbiased recommendations focused solely on the most effective answer for the challenge, regardless of what ‘shape’ it might take.

Entrepreneurial Compensation
We don’t do timesheets and we are prepared to put our money where our mouth is and seek performance-based compensation where the better we are, the more we earn.

Create IP
The world is too interesting a place to not get involved with new ideas, new businesses and diverse thinkers. As such, we create and invest in IP – which makes us smarter, more holistic business leaders, and attracts entrepreneurial talent to the agency. We created EOS lip balm, have an Emmy-winning cooking show called Avec Eric, are co-creators and co-owners of a medicinal cannabis company called dosist, to name a few.
We are a deviation from the norm.
The diversity of talent and skillsets at Anomaly allows us to recommend what is right for the specific business challenge rather than reflect a bias to a particular discipline like 'advertising' or 'digital' or 'PR'.
A collection of the very best people working together; a rare combination of high talent and low ego; and a relentless pursuit of ideas that drive effectiveness and growth, no matter what 'shape' they take.

Anomaly is built to drive change.
Anomaly decries tradition and craves revolution.
Ad Age -
Anomaly have started up to capitalize on the desire among marketers to do things differently – and the inability of many bigger agencies to accomplish that.
New York Times -
When a client comes in with an advertising problem, Anomaly addresses it more broadly as a business issue, analyzing everything from design to product development.
Fast Company -
Anomaly is structured for innovation and multi-disciplinary problem solving – not just the partners, but every member of the team contributes on every project on all levels.
Creativity -
As you might expect from its name, Anomaly is no ordinary agency; it is more of a response to the countless calls for agencies to drag themselves into the 21st century.
Campaign -
The ad world is changing and Anomaly's model is set up to lead that change.

A unique breadth of recognition.